About Me


I was born and raised in the Fort Collins/Loveland area. This is home. I absolutely love Colorado and all that it is! This state means so much to me and the Northern Colorado area is very near and dear to my heart. Over the last 25+ years of living here, I have come to love this community and the way it cares for one another. From the Great Plates festivities, to volunteer activities in highway trash clean-up, to local food bank missions, it’s clear that this great area is one to protect and fight for.

I received my Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Aerospace Engineering from Colorado State University (CSU) and went straight to work as a Software Engineer (and part-time business analyst) at Lockheed Martin Space. I then made the decision to continue my education and pursue a Master’s of Science in Systems Engineering at CSU which I will be graduating with in May of 2024. My project focus was on space habitation systems and policy analysis.

As an outdoor enthusiast, I love to ski, hike, trail run, bike and swim. After completing my last ultra marathon, I decided it was time to try something new and finished the local Lake to Lake Triathlon. It was a spectacular event put on by incredible people and made possible by their very encouraging volunteers. I have a special appreciation for volunteer work as I also dedicate my time to volunteering at local food banks and the church I attend. Ultimately, people are my number one priority. I am curious to learn about the dreams, concerns, and thoughts of each individual as I believe they are essential for the continuing function of our community. It is important that this state fosters confidence in those looking to invest in businesses, environmental sustainability and people’s health.

As a high school student, I was involved in a rescue on the top of Horsetooth Rock. I waited patiently while attending to the injured as the helicopter landed and the Larimer County Search and Rescue, Poudre Fire Authority (among other agencies) sprung into action. While waiting, I applied basic first aid, calmed the injured, and watched as over 40 rescue volunteers rushed to respond to the call. This incredible response I witnessed demonstrated the remarkable effort put forth by the hardworking and dedicated people of Fort Collins. After the injured person recovered, our group of friends involved in the accident, including myself, received the Lifesaving Award from the Poudre Fire Authority. It was in that moment that I knew I needed to give back to those who do so much for our community in emergency situations.

Isaiah 1:17